Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Movement IS Learning!

Movement is an integral part of our lives and should be incorporated in all we do. Educational, cognitive, medical, and behavioral research has repeatedly demonstrated that movement is one of the best ways to reach and teach students. Christ Church School (CCS) effectively uses a variety of movement techniques in the classroom to successfully optimize attention, release energy, and facilitate retention.
What does movement in the classroom look like? Christ Church School teachers facilitate learning for students beyond their desks. CCS students are encouraged to get out of their seats and take part in a vibrant learning environment. In an active classroom, students might be tasked to:
  • create alphabet letters with their bodies;
  • dance to a song about how the heart works;
  • imitate Solar System orbits;
  • march in place and count by twos, fives, tens;
  • line up by height to create a human number line; or
  • sing and dance to the Macarena to learn the months of the year!
Teachers also utilize Brain Breaks, brief activities designed to give our brains a break and inspire active movement in the classroom. The ties between movement and success at school are well-documented. Engaging students physically and creatively with subject material fosters improved retention and understanding. Additional benefits from movement in the classroom include better focus, behavior, retention, participation, and understanding of concepts. Happy and dynamic classrooms inspire, motivate, and expand each student’s learning process.
With the addition of movement, lessons become more engaging and memorable. The classroom becomes a healthy and cheerful place to learn and teach. Keeping students active, involved, and engaged – in the environment where they spend a large portion of their day – is a priority at Christ Church School!