Tuesday, June 14, 2016

CCS Preschool - Pre-Reading Skills!

Brain development research shows that reading aloud to your child every day increases the brain's capacity for language and literacy skills and is the most effective way to boost pre-reading skills in children under 5 years of age!  Here are some summer resources designed help develop these essential pre-reading skills:

Storyline Online - www.storylineonline.net - Famous voices read familiar stories - read along and practice word recognition skills.  Great for car rides or bedtime!  (Ages 4 and under; Free, website)

ABC Magic Reading - teaches basic reading skills to beginning readers using games that encourage early reading skills rather than picture-based word recognition.  (Ages 6 and under; Free: iPhone, iPad)
Download ABC Magic Reading

Early Reader - Helps beginning readers develop their reading skills.   (Ages 6 and under; Free; iPhone, iPad)

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